Gordana R. ČOLIĆ[1] University of Priština in Kosovska Mitrovica, Teacher Education Faculty, Leposavic, Serbia
Miljan D. MILJKOVIĆ[2] University of Priština in Kosovska Mitrovica, Teacher Education Faculty, Leposavic, Serbia
Jovana P. JANJIĆ[3] International Nursery and Primary School, Belgrade, Serbia
[1], e-mail:
Articulation disorder is a developmental disorder that manifests in the early development period. It may occur due to a primary disorder such as anatomical deviations and sensory disorders, but they can also exist without any clear cause as a specific articulation disorder, most often related to the immaturity of oral praxis. The aim of this paper is to determine the frequency of articulation disorders and its relationship with oral praxis in preschool children. The sample consisted of preschool age children, of both sexes, with typical development (N=60).The quality of voice pronunciation was determined based on the Triage Articulation Test, while oral praxis was examined using the Oral Praxis Test. It was found that a large number of the examined children have a disorder in the pronunciation of one or several voices. A statistically significant correlation was found between immature oral praxis and articulation disorders (ρ=0.364; p=0.004).Although there is a significant association between articulation disorder and immature oral praxis, without evaluating other possible causes, it cannot be confidently asserted that immature oral praxis is the cause of developmental articulation disorder.
Key words: developmental disorder, articulation disorder, oral praxis, preschool age.
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